Dissecting Aerial Symposium Hub

Gravity and Levity are running their annual aerial symposium in Brighton.

The event is aimed at aerial/movement arts professionals and enthusiasts and showcases practice, pedagogical and personal approach presentations from aerial artists, researchers, body workers, medical and sports science practitioners from around the globe.

The National Centre would like to take part as a Virtual Studio Hub.

We want to set up a hub in the Creation Studio and offer Open Training members who specialise in aerial at the National Centre the opportunity to attend.

The diversity of speakers and presentation topics this year is very exciting:

  • The Kinstretch® method
  • Body of Worth – ‘self-esteem and body image in the aerial industry’
  • Bendy bodies, bendy brains
  • Spin-poseium – The Art of Spinning
  • Relaxed Spaces and Access Notes within the Circus Industry
  • Aerial performance innovation in the late 19th century
  • The highs and lows of navigating a career in the aerial arts
  • MSK injury profile in Circus artists – review of current knowledge and applications to training
  • Engaging tools for motor learning and musculoskeletal rehabilitation
  • ‘When the rope frays’ – burnout & compassion fatigue
  • Creating safe and brave spaces to flourish in aerial performance and creation
  • Pilates for aerialists
  • Creativity and risk: how to responsibly bring aerial invention into classrooms and studios
  • Boom!

Full information is available here

Book below!



Sat 23 – Sun 24 March 2024

10am – 6pm


ÂŁ50 for both days

Maximum number of participants


Minimum number of participants



We will only run the Hub if we reach a minimum of 8 bookings by 8 March.

If we decide to cancel we will offer a full refund to those who have paid by then.

Participants in the hub need to be current Open Training members and have had an induction at the National Centre for Circus Arts.